contact james tamba

Contact James if you have an opinion or update to any post on my blog, please share your thought within the comments. I believe in sharing thoughts, ideas, and criticisms in the context of the post so that everyone learns and everyone can contribute. Please keep your comments polite and professional.

Technical Support

As much as I try to help everyone that asks, please don’t count on me for technical support. Please use the comment section of posts to ask for help, or visit one of many awesome web resources to find the help you need.



Contact me with the email below if you’d like to advertise on this blog. I’m open to creative ideas for advertising, as long as the idea is within reason. Please feel free to contact me at

Giveaways and Sponsored Posts

Sponsored posts and giveaways are judged on a per-case basis. Please complete the contact form below with details about your post or giveaway and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


Consulting and General Contact James

For general contact inquiries, please feel free to complete the form contact below or email me at